Month: April 2020

Campaign for our children


Have you seen the new campaign for our children yet? In the streets of The Hague, there are signs with three different posters. With them, we want to send an extra message to all of the children, letting them know we miss them!

2Samen: stronger together!

Stronger together Kinderopvang 2Samen childcare daycare day nursery after school care The Hague Den Haag Monster Naaldwijk

It’s cliched by now, but it still remains true: it’s a strange time. At our childcare locations, we have to unfortunately miss most of the children. Colleagues at the locations are taking care of children with key worker parents, but are also working from home. Something they’re not used to at all! Despite everything, we can also see the start of something beautiful. There’s space for all sorts of wonderful initiatives. Because we never forget: we’re stronger together!

Stronger together

2 samen sterk corona stay strong cirkel

We’re currently living in a crazy time! At 2Samen, we miss many of the children, parents and colleagues. Of course, we take a moment every day to reflect on all the heartbreak that Corona causes. Nevertheless, we’re also seeing the start of many beautiful initiatives. We’re proud to be working for such a wonderful, socially committed organisation.