children play with water at daycare center 2hindes in Belgian Park The Hague

The Hague
Grow and discover together

The Hague, a versatile city that offers numerous opportunities to grow and discover. On an adventure to the park or the beach and the warmth and safety of your own group. Childcare 2Samen offers children from 0 to 13 years old in The Hague a wonderful time.

Daycare centers in The Hague

Daycare centers are available for the little ones from 0 to 4 years old. Good interaction skills, such as stimulating the development of children, are the core of our pedagogical actions. We have been doing this from baby age in excellent baby care. Optimal development opportunities are central here.

Read more about childcare in a daycare center at 2Samen.

child plays with toys at daycare center 2hindes in Belgian Park The Hague
Toddler at Toddler Care 2Acrobaten in Morgenstond makes a puzzle

Toddler care in The Hague

In our toddler care we welcome toddlers from 2,5 to 4 years old, and at a number of locations your toddler can go from the age of 2. The children are received a number of mornings or afternoons a week in their own toddler group. Your child playfully learns what it is like to function in a group and to play and share together.

Read more about toddler care at 2Samen.

After-school care (BSO) in The Hague

Experience great activities together and discover new things. Together with the pedagogical staff and the other children from the group, children spend each (afternoon) day as desired. Out-of-school care includes care before school, after school, during lunch and during holidays.

Read more about after-school care at 2Samen

boy climbs a tree at after school care 2vikingen in Scheveningen The Hague
Boy with PUK at preschool education in The Hague

Preschool Education in The Hague

VE is also called preschool and is a great opportunity for children. Just like daycare (link) and regular toddler care (link), VE makes the step to primary education easier. With the great advantage that we focus even more on eliminating backlogs. For example, by playfully learning Dutch words and practicing with numbers.

Read more about Preschool Education at 2Samen

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