
Healthy childcare


2Samen is an official ‘Healthy Childcare Organisation’. We think this is important, because every child deserves a healthy start! With us, that means much more than offering a healthy environment. Together, we work towards teaching a healthy lifestyle for children and making our staff more knowledgeable. Our Healthy Childcare coaches are specifically trained for that.

Food policy

2Samen is a frontrunner when it comes to having a healthy food policy at our locations. The policy was created together with the Netherlands Nutrition Centre and an external dietician.

Health and exercise

We also pay lots of attention to health and exercise at all ages. From daily walks to toddler dance, toddler judo, games to stimulate moving with floor projections and much more.

We also move a lot in our after school care! We offer extensive sports activities (in Dutch), which means children can choose to move in a fun way every day. This is how we create a foundation for good motor skills, social skills and emotional and cognitive development. Our own sports teachers make sure that sports, exercise and general moving are a steady part of our programmes.

Exercise events

2Samen enjoys contributing to events that promote health and movement. That’s why we sponsor, among others, the ‘Kids Run’ at the Royal Ten and Wateringse Veld Loop running events.


We also want to contribute to a healthy living environment. That’s why we create nature gardens at our locations, together with playgrounds that have natural elements. We’re always connecting with other organisations to improve sustainability within and outside of our organisation.

Cooperative approach within the region

In order to promote and improve healthy living within the region, we’re involved with several regional interventions, for example by the Municipality of The Hague and the GGD, the national health service. Two examples are the Hague Approach Healthy Weight (Haagse Aanpak Gezond Gewicht) and the Healthy School Advisor (Gezonde Schooladviseur).

Read more?

Kinderopvang 2Samen gezonde kinderopvang voeding bewegen buiten natuur sport logo

For more information about healthy childcare in general and the themes we are working on, please have a look at gezondekinderopvang.nl (in Dutch)

Food policy magazine (in Dutch)

Would you like to read our magazine about the food policy at 2Samen? If you would like to receive a hard copy, please send an email to communicatie@2samen.nl.
You may also read the magazine online.