Child pulls hat over face

Privacy policy

How do we handle personal data of our website visitors, (potential)
customers, applicants and employees? You can read it in this privacy statement.

See our cookie statement.








Anyone who works with us or works for us (our suppliers) knows our code of conduct and adheres to it.

  • We respect the data privacy of all our relations.
  • We handle the data entrusted to us with care.
  • We ensure that unauthorized persons cannot access the data entrusted to us
    to come.
  • We do not collect more data than is necessary for the relationship we have with each other and the goals we pursue together.
  • We do not store the data for longer than is necessary or legally permitted.
  • If our suppliers or customers receive confidential data from us, we impose the same duty of care on them. If we collect data from a visitor/user or combine it from multiple sources, we report this clearly and indicate for what purpose we do this and what benefit the visitor/user receives from it.
  • We are open about the data we have stored about a visitor/user.
  • If technically possible, we give the visitor/user the option of data
    to change, remove or take with you yourself.
  • We do not sell traceable data to any other party unless we have explicitly requested and received permission to do so.

About Us

2Samen offers various forms of childcare: daycare,
out-of-school care (out-of-school care) and toddler care. We offer a place where your child can explore the world from a safe and familiar environment, under the expert and loving guidance of our pedagogical staff.

A safe environment also consists of organizing a good privacy policy. 2Samen has drawn up this privacy statement to clearly inform its stakeholders about the personal data we process.

Data privacy has the highest priority in the systems and processes we use. If, after reading this document, you still have privacy-related questions that we do not or insufficiently address here, you can contact our Data Protection Officer via 070 338 55 00, or

If you want to visit us, you will find here our details.

Privacy rights and questions

Of course you can exercise your privacy rights at 2Samen. Do you want access?
in your personal data and receive a copy thereof? Or do you want to change or delete your data? In many cases you can do this yourself via our App arrange, or submit a request to us via We naturally want to be sure that we provide the requested personal data to the correct person. We may therefore request additional information from you to establish your identity.

If you feel that we are not handling your data properly, you can file a complaint via and/or at the reporting point of the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Whose and why do we process personal data?

We process data from different target groups (website visitors,
interested parties, customers, applicants and employees), for various purposes. We use the information to fulfill our agreements (such as providing childcare), to fulfill our legal interests and to comply with legal obligations.

The data is only shared with the contracted third party
parties, unless we are obliged to do so, for example by a court order or judgment. We receive the information we store either because it has been provided to us directly or because we have obtained it from authorized authorities.

  • We record various information about website visitors using cookies. See ours for this Cookie Statement.
  • If you, as an interested party, request information via the website, via us
    application form or by telephone, we will store the information you provide. We process this in order to inform you about our offer. If there
    there is no longer contact, we will delete your data after a period of no more than 6 months.
  • If you register or become a customer of 2Samen, we will note additional information
    personal data necessary to fulfill all contractual and administrative matters
    obligations. This includes data from parent(s)/
    caregiver(s) and of the children who (want to) use our care.
    You are registered when you are on a waiting list and we have not yet entered into any contractual obligations with each other. You are a customer as soon as the placement has been confirmed through a placement agreement.
    For registered persons we apply a retention period of a maximum of 2 years after the last contact, for customers we adhere to the fiscal retention obligation of 7 years after termination of the placement.
  • As an applicant, you provide us with personal information so that we can process your application
    can assess. If you do not join us, we will delete it
    data within 4 weeks of our last contact (unless you give us permission
    to keep it longer for future vacancies, for example. In that case
    we keep your data for a maximum of 1 year).
  • If you join us as an employee, we will expand the
    personal data with the information necessary for the employment contract and
    other administrative obligations. We delete this data 2 years after your termination of employment. Certain personal data may be retained for longer, for example in the event of claims, audits and legal/tax obligations. We keep salary agreements and employment conditions for 7 years (National Tax Act), payroll taxes and identity documents for 5 years (LB Implementation Regulation).


2Samen regularly produces images to help (future) customers and
to give employees an idea of ​​what the children experience with us. We use very successful images after explicit permission from those portrayed
and/or its legal representatives, for an indefinite period on, for example, printed matter, Social Media and/or the 2Samen websites. This explicit
permission is granted for the duration of the placement or employment. It goes without saying that (legal representatives of the) subjects retain the right to withdraw the consent given at any time.

Interested parties

If you are interested in 2Samen and want to visit (one of) our locations or
If you request more information, we regularly store some personal data. We do this to maintain contact with you. If you become a customer afterwards, we will process this data when you register. If you do not wish to use our services after your visit, we will delete this data. We will do this within 6 months. You can of course register again afterwards, but we then ask you to provide your details again.

We process, among other things:

  • Name of parent(s)/guardian(s)
  • Name child
  • Dates of birth
  • Desired posting date
  • Contact details (address, telephone, email address)

Registered and customers

You can register with 2Samen in various ways: via our digital one
registration form on, via our paper registration form or by telephone at our Planning & Advice department. We hereby collect personal data.

This concerns, among other things:

  • Name of the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the child
  • Contact details (address, telephone, email address)
  • Dates of birth (parent(s)/child)
  • Medical data, such as vaccination details, allergies and GP
  • Financial data, such as bank number and direct debit issue
  • BSN (parent(s)/child)
  • Primary school name

We store this data in the 2Samen child planning system, in contracts and in our financial administration. The data is not shared with third parties, with the exception of the party engaged for administrative processing or with government agencies for which there is a legal basis.

We use customer email addresses to send surveys, such as the biennial customer satisfaction survey.

Applicants and employees at 2Samen

If you apply for a job at 2Samen, we process the following data about you:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • IP address
  • Courses
  • Work experience
  • References
  • Contact and phone notes

The data is stored in 2Samen's ATS (Applicant Tracking System). If the application procedure has been completed and you do not come to work for us, we will delete this data after a maximum of 4 weeks, unless we have made another arrangement with you.

If you come to work for us, we will complete the information to make it complete
personnel file. Think about:

  • BSN
  • Copy of identification
  • Copy of work permit, residence permit
  • If necessary, copies of policies, diplomas and other documents
  •  Employment contract
  • Reviews
  • Holiday and absenteeism registration

You are responsible for the accuracy and relevance of the data you provide
provided. The data is stored in your personnel file, where only the
authorized employee and you have access to it. We only lay special ones
personal data if this is necessary to comply with our legal obligations or if you have given us permission to do so. 'Special personal data' refers to data about health, trade union membership, criminal personal data and/or personal data about unlawful or nuisance behavior.

We use e-mail addresses to send periodic surveys, such as
employee satisfaction survey. When you are employed, you can also find this privacy statement in our handbook.

Who has access to your data?

Your data is only available to those people within 2Samen who need access to it due to their position. In some cases these are people from outside 2Samen (e.g. audits, controls). We then ensure that they adhere to the same strict conditions as we do and that they do not use the data for other purposes.

We conduct surveys to optimize the satisfaction of our employees and customers, so we have a legitimate interest in doing so. If you object to this, please let us know.


We do everything we can to optimally protect your personal data against unauthorized use. We do this using an extensive set of organizational and technical measures. If we provide data to a processor who provides us with a service, we have made good agreements in the processing agreement. Your data will not be stored outside Europe. In addition, we take extra measures to safeguard child data and special personal data.


We may make changes, additions or modifications to this
Privacy declaration. The most current privacy statement can always be found on our website.

August 2024