Doing puzzles together at kdv 2Vliegers Monster

Placement policy

We will do our utmost to give your child a place at the 2Samen location of your choice, on the desired start date and on the days of your choice. Because we also consider a balanced age structure and continuity in the composition of the groups to be important, we follow our placement policy.






Minimum purchase

We advise you to send your child to childcare at least two days a week. This advice is based on various pedagogical considerations: 

Full day care in a daycare center

For children from 0 to 4 years old, it is important that they can get used to the other children, the group rules and the group leaders. Only then will they feel at home and there is room for discovery. Scientific research and our own experience show that children who come for less than two days have more difficulty finding their way and we like to take that into account.

Toddler care (formerly playgroup) 

We want the children to have enough time together to get to know each other and the group leaders well. This makes it much more fun for the children. Because children in the playgroup only come to the playgroup for a few hours every day, we stick to a minimum attendance of two days per week for this form of care. 

After-school care (out-of-school care) 

This is somewhat different for children of primary school age. They already know more children and have often practiced finding their feet in a new situation. In after-school care it is therefore possible to purchase childcare for one day. But please note: we set a maximum for the total number of children who come one day. Children who attend more days each week also receive priority placement. Therefore, inquire about the options at the location of your choice.

No multi-location placement 

For the well-being of the child, we do not recommend placing a child in different locations. We are very cautious about such requests.

Izabella (3 years old) unveils a self-made work of art together with a pedagogical employee and three directors of Childcare 2Samen, Childcare Kombino and Basalt rehabilitation center. This will become the new daycare center 2Walvissen opened.

Vaccination and special care

Unvaccinated children 

To ensure sufficiently strong herd immunity, we ensure that there is a maximum of one unvaccinated baby present during a day of care, and that never more than 5% of the children at a childcare center are unvaccinated. We base this on the guidelines of the RIVM.

Special care 

Your child may need extra care due to behavior, disability or developmental delay. It is important to indicate this when registering. This way we can discuss whether placement is possible and how this works. We will do everything we can to provide your child with the care he or she needs. 

At 2Walvissen we guide children with additional care needs. From Kombino there is a pedagogical employee and a nurse available every day to provide extra care and support. If it is not possible for us to provide care for your child, we will give you advice in looking for other care options.

Group size

When it comes to group size, we adhere to the Professional-Child Ratio (BKR) from the Childcare Innovation and Quality Act (IKK). The BKR indicates the maximum number of children per pedagogical employee. 

Professional-child ratio in daycare 

The maximum number of zero-year-old babies per pedagogical employee is three. This means that pedagogical staff have a lot of time and attention for children in their first year of life. At 2Samen we are committed to the quality of baby care. Unlike many other organizations, we therefore maintain our baby groups (0-2 years). This is better for peace in the group and the well-being of the babies.

Professional-child ratio in the toddler groups 

In toddler groups (with children from 2 years old), childcare providers may employ one professional per eight children. A toddler group may consist of a maximum of sixteen children, provided that the group room is large enough for this. We adhere to the legal requirement for the required number of square meters per group size.

Professional-child ratio in after-school care 

A maximum of twelve children aged seven years and older are allowed per employee. For groups with children aged four to thirteen, the maximum number is eleven. At 2Samen we look at each location to see how many children the out-of-school care room allows per employee. 

House rules

Placements at 2Samen are subject to both the 'General Terms and Conditions for Childcare' of the Social Childcare Trade Association, as well as our house rules applicable. We will send these documents when your child starts with us and you can download them below. You can also contact us below exchange policy to download. In the exchange policy we explain how we will deal with it if you need care on a day other than the regular care days.

Our Privacy Statement can be found at the very bottom of this page, in the so-called 'footer' of the website. In this document you can read how we handle the personal data of our website visitors, parents, applicants and employees.


House rules 2Samen Terms and conditions Rules for exchange policy

Right of Withdrawal

You have 14 days from the day of signing to immediately withdraw from the agreement without giving any reason. You can do this by sending an email to If childcare has already started within this 14-day period, you will pay for the days that have been taken. This right of withdrawal does not apply to amendment agreements.

After the withdrawal period of 14 days, a notice period of 1 month applies, which you are obliged to pay. You can still use the childcare during the notice period.

Children laugh 2Wombats

Closing and margin days

All our childcare centers are open all year round, except for national commemorations and holidays. Our closing days can be found in our house rules and on the closing days poster that hangs at our childcare centers and which you can download below.

Margin days / Schedule-free days 

Primary schools have so-called margin days. These are extra days off from the schools, in addition to the regular holidays and national commemorations and holidays. 2Samen's after-school care offers extra care on these days, provided that at least five children need care that day. If possible, we combine after-school care locations in the area to reach this number of five. This minimum of five children obviously does not apply during the usual holiday periods. Do you want to know more? Then read the summary in our 'scheduled days off protocol' below. 


Scheduled days off protocol Closed 2024 Closing days 2024 Toddler care

View our full posting policy here: 

Placement policy