Playing and learning in preschool education

at Childcare 2Samen

A few mornings or afternoons a week, your child can experience and discover all kinds of things in his/her own toddler group at 2Samen. Your toddler is very welcome from the age of 2,5 years. At some locations your child can even go from the age of 2.

We offer toddler care in The Hague and Monster.

Doing puzzles 2Acrobaten

Explore the world step by step

When your child is two and a half, he or she is probably eager to explore the world. There is so much to see and discover. In our toddler care, there is more and more room to explore and gain new experiences.

Preschool or playgroup

Toddler care used to be called a playgroup. But children do so much more than play. And our locations are much more than a room. It is learning, developing together, and above all having a great time. Quickly view the childcare locations near you.

View an overview of toddler care locations in The Hague, Naaldwijk and Monster.

Toddler care: a good preparation for primary school

Preschool is just like it daycare, a good preparation for primary school. Your child playfully learns what it is like to function in a group and to play and share together. We do many different activities in our toddler care. Crafts, exploring nature, reading, role-playing, building, music and exercise activities, for example. We also work a lot in themes. In this way we stimulate broad development.

Pedagogical policy 0-4 years Pedagogical House Pedagogical House
Piggy bank-costs-childcare-2Samen-The-Hague-Monster-Naaldwijk

Municipal toddler allowance

It is important that all children start learning and discovering at an early age; that's why all parents claim one compensation for costs for toddler care (the former 'playgroup'). Parents who are not entitled to childcare allowance will receive this contribution via the Municipality.

Group size and opening hours

The toddler group consists of a maximum of 16 toddlers from 2,5 to 4 years old. Most toddler care locations are open from 8:45 am to 11:45 am. Opening hours vary per childcare center. Check with the childcare center of your choice for specific times. The toddler care center is closed during public holidays, school holidays and school closing days.

Closing days 2025 Toddler care

Well-trained employees

Our toddler care employees receive special training to guide the development of children as best as possible. We also employ pedagogues and pedagogical coaches who provide extra support if necessary.

Would you like to meet our toddler care without obligation?

Of course you want to see with your own eyes how and where your child will experience all kinds of big and small adventures. We find it very important to get to know the employees in detail and experience the atmosphere. You are very welcome!


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between playgroup and daycare?

    Playgroup (PSZ) is a morning or afternoon session of learning and discovering together for children from 2/2,5 to 4 years old. The daycare center (KDV) cares for children from 10 weeks old until they turn 4 years old. In principle, children come here all day long. The daily activities of the toddler group in the PSZ and the KDV are similar. In both the KDV and PSZ we stimulate development and offer good preparation for primary school.

  • What is the Toddler Care Cost Allowance (TKP)?

    This is a municipal subsidy, which is income-related. More information can be found here.

  • How can I apply for Municipal Toddler Allowance (GPT)?

    You request this via 2Samen. More information can be found here. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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