Satisfied customers

Satisfaction childcare: 8.2

Satisfied customers

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11 January 2022

Customer satisfaction survey

In 2021, we sent out an (independent) customer survey to all of our customers, to find out what they think of us and our locations. This year, our customers gave us an average score of 8.2. A result we can be proud of, and slightly higher than in 2019. 1584 respondents filled in the survey. This means the results are a reliable indicator of how our services are regarded.

Final score Kinderopvang 2Samen Den Haag Monster Naaldwijk

We manage well to keep the quality high and to improve it continuously, which is not always easy in the current market. Nationally, but most certainly in our region (The Hague and Westland), childcare is under pressure because of the large personnel shortages. Additionally we’ve had to deal with the COVID crisis in the past couple of years. This makes us extra happy to see that more customers are willing to recommend us and give us a good score for our efforts to keep as many known staff on the groups as possible. Respondents scored the availability of ‘known faces’ with an 8.4 average.

The rate in which their child feels comfortable in childcare, scores an 8.5. The safety of each location has our highest priority and scores an 8.2.

Availability known faces Kinderopvang 2Samen Den Haag Monster Naaldwijk

Our staff are always in contact with parents about the daily business at the childcare location. Parents feel free to raise issues (8.3) and do feel that 2Samen takes their wishes and notes seriously (8.2). In the parent committees and the overall client council, we try and collect our parents’ wishes as much as possible, as well as discuss our policies. The survey shows that we could give the existence of these committees/council more publicity (7).

Comfort of children Kinderopvang 2Samen Den Haag Monster Naaldwijk

At 2Samen, we invest a lot into the skills of our staff to help stimulate the development of children. For example, our staff receives extensive pedagogical coaching when it comes to interactional abilities. Nevertheless, the customer satisfaction survey results show that we can improve in sharing information about children’s development better with parents. A 7.4 is certainly not a bad score, but as an organisation that prioritises development, we see this score as an encouragement to improve our communication about these matters.

Of course, there are differences between the locations. All 2Samen locations (day nursery/daycare, toddler care and out of school care) receive at least a well above passing score. Most locations score between an 8 and a 10. Of course, we will take customer satisfaction survey feedback for each individual location and work towards further improving the quality of our childcare.

Best and least scored Kinderopvang 2Samen Den Haag Monster Naaldwijk